Change Your Mind, Change Everything
Everything you are experiencing in your life is the result of how you are perceiving it, thinking about it, and then acting out the beliefs that you hold, whether you know it or not. Yes, even the “bad” stuff. The good news is that once you start describing your life, yourself, and your circumstances differently everything changes.
I picked you out of all the coaches as there was something about you that just resonated with me. I want to have your sass and power and confidence. Everyone needs you in their life, you have this way with words and explaining things that makes it so much easier to understand and you have this spark about you that just radiates power and confidence. Thank you again so much!
Darlene, I have spent a ton of money on other coaches, programs, classes, etc. I don’t feel like a coach has ever invested so much in me. Damn girl, THANK YOU! I am bragging about you to my manifestations buddy!
Coaching with Darlene has helped me gain a better understanding of the Law of Assumption and the concept of Everyone Is You Pushed Out. She has helped me apply the Law which resulted in me creating my dream life . Darlene made me believe in myself and my ability to manifest. She offers so much love, encouragement and support. With her guidance, I’ve been able to recreate my SP; revise relationships and my past; manifest my dream job and admission into the course I’ve wanted and so much more! I highly recommend her if you’re looking for a coach who will push you to be your best, is warm and loving and has extensive spiritual knowledge.
I’ve been all over your lives this past week – I got hooked on the one you did on Xmas and I am so impressed with you. You’re the perfect combination of book-smarts-attention-to-
detail, warmth, enthusiasm, experience, and loving fierce determination. I knew within a few minutes of listening to your first live that I wanted to work with you 🙂 -
Darlene is an inspiration truly! She has helped me so much since I met her! She is kind and caring but, also ensures you are on top of your game! She doesn’t allow room for spiraling or negative thoughts! Any time I’ve had doubts she sets me straight! If you want that coach that will love you and also get your mind in shape she is the one to go to! She is very confident and calm. Darlene is non-judgmental and is quick to answer anything on your mind. She is truly a highlight in my journey to love myself more and get all my desires.
I had the most amazing experience having Darlene as my coach. She changed my life around with just one phone call, I absolutely love how fast within 3 weeks my results were. I was in no contact with my SP thought it was so bad that I wouldn’t hear back but now we are talking every day. I had many small successes with her affirmations when I was trying to remove a toxic person from my friend circle, things flipped within 2 weeks and I even spiraled and messaged her venting but she grounded me asap and after that message, the toxic girl was completely gone from my friend circle. Her affirmations work like magic and she takes her time to touch the main things to work on. She won’t even treat you like a client but actually like a family member. She is honestly one of the best miracles that have happened to me. She is priceless and well worth it. I would have been lost without her. I have been feeling so loved and wanted now it’s time for my money to come back which I have no doubt for. I used to have anxiety and feel scared and negative whenever I affirmed but I have no idea what magical fairy Darlene is because I swear I have no anxiety nor negative thoughts. It’s like I changed as a person. I just can’t say enough about her she really is the best and if you’re hesitant in your life, please believe me when I say, she’s out here changing lives. Thank you so very much, Darlene. You’re one amazing fairy in our lives and we honestly are lucky to have you! I hope you always remain a coach because we need you!
Let’s Work Together!
I help conscious creators to change their mindset, fine-tune their focus so that they can embody the reality of their dreams. You can literally manifest any life you want! I work with my clients to claim their power, step into it, and become masters of their lives.
I am a coach with The Coaches Circle and the amazing community of people who are creating their desires every day.
I would love to work with you next!